The whole thing's nothing but an envy-fuelled Narc Tactical-Maneuver aka: A SMOKESCREEN to try to get you to lose confidence in your own capabilities cuz the narc knows you can & will OUTSHINE him.
Narcs TRY TO invalidate their targets’ sense of self-worth.
The subject that the Narc is challenging/doubting the credibility of is besides the point.
Narcs do this SOLELY to make their target question his own mental capacity; they're TRYING to cast a shadow of self doubt so you don't realize how powerful you are (because narcs are pathologically-envious & they recognize your capabilities) they try to imply you're incompetent & that OTHERS need to be consulted in order to validate anything you say.
This is nothing but a narc TACTIC to try & psyche you ( their opponent) out.
They'll do this mind-fuck game by consulting & agreeing with a complete stranger before they’d admit that they know you're right.
This tactic CRAZY-MAKING (& that's intentional ) It's GASLIGHTING.
In essence, (to you)the narc tries to represent ‘OTHERS’...aka: Public Perception ...when this behavior is just the self-projected inadequacy of The NARC that he's TRYING to convince to believe.
(It's a LIE.)
You can prove they're doing it just for the sake of being contradictory by doing this test.
Say "A". They'll say "No. It's B".
Then, wait a few days.
(Now) Say "B". They'll say , "No. It's A"
That narc is NOT gonna want you to KNOW that you're correct & great cuz then, if you're gonna go out there, into Society & receive praise & accolades for your greatness & you will then feel & recognize your true worth.
(Aka: that worth that the narc SEES but is envious about)
Narc wants not only to DENY but do & say discouraging things to make you not recognize & (better yet) doubt & DENY your OWN true potential & capabilities (because the narc SEES YOUR GREATNESS & he's pathologically ENVIOUS of you!)
Narc KNOWS you're great & fears (if he does not intervene & try to make you feel BAD about yourself) , that soon you TOO will realize your own value then, all narc-hell will break loose cuz narc will lose power over his target & lose narcissistic supply & therefore, (in narc's mind) cease to exist (as his 1 goal is to get supply by feeding off pain he inflicts; pain you won't feel if narc's opinion about you loses credence to you).
That's their ultimate goal...not just to IMPLY some sleight but: to try & get YOU to BELIEVE it so that YOU,in essence, take over the task...even if you leave the continue to abuse your SELF by not implementing your TRUE level of power & succeeding in life & OUTSHINING the TRULY incompetent one: THE NARC.
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