Thursday 16 June 2016

The Narcissist Will Ruin Your Most Important Days

My comment!

LISTEN TO OLLIE! Do NOT invite your Malignant Narc Mother to your wedding. In fact, go and STAY No Contact because she WILL destroy your wedding, then she'll mock and meddle in your marriage, then she'll diss your home, then she will drop in unannounced and try to manage your home and yard, and then, if you get pregnant, she will RUIN your pregnancy, your baby shower and the birth? OMG she will be IN there like a dirty shirt ruining that moment for you too.And THEN she will do to your baby the exact abuse she did to YOU. And that is gonna rest on your shoulders...because you will have allowed a toxic interloper into your vulnerable baby's life. All hell will ensue and maybe your husband will get sick of your narc's meddling and leave you because of the narc. In essence, she WILL set forth a plot (laying awake in bed, orchestrating the 'perfect Narc Moves to exact the highest amount of psychological torment with end goal to have you committed, send your kid to Children's Aid and /or turn your child against you...end goal, make you commit suicide.) Do NOT invite that narc (who has ILL WISHES for you & your future husband's future) to your wedding! Cut her out of your life NOW and go and STAY No Contact forever.Your sweet Mother-In-law can help ease the sorrow and fill the void left by that malevolent parasite NARC. Be forewarned girl. Listen to Ollie.
(I speak from experience.)