Sunday, 20 March 2016

Keep THIS In Mind Next Time Narcissist "Remembers" Your Birthday -Narcissism Hoovering

Keep THIS In Mind  Next Time Narcissist Sends You A "Thoughtful"  Birthday Card:  

IGNORE (but save) the card (as evidence)  & consider calling the  POLICE  &  filing a restraining-order against the Narc- -  Have them arrested &  charged with harassment &  STALKING.
The malignant narcissist is  just exploiting your sentimental nature as a means to TRY to  SUCK  you back into  their  LAIR so  they can resume ABUSING YOU.  (Don't.  Fall.  For.  It.)
Do NOT respond to this trickery in ANY way, shape or form.
IGNORE the card. Even reminding narc about your No-Contact rules would be perceived as a "response", same  if you  ripped the unopened card up  &  returned to  sender.  

Hexvessel - No Holier Temple (VINYL)